Saturday, September 21, 2013

Five Business Websites from Petnanny Lu

Woof Woof Woof Meow Meow Meow to all!!!!

Five Business Websites:

3) Types of Media
     A) Facebook
     B) Twitter
     C) Pinterest
     D) Google Plus
     E) Instagram
     F) YouTube
     G) Live Chat
     H) Blogs

3)  Types of Media
     A) Facebook
     B) YouTube
     C) Twitter
     D) Pinterest
     E) Google Plus
     F) Staigram
     G) Blogs
     H) Live Help
      I) Email
      J) Ask a new questiom
      K) Share with your friends

3) Types of Media
     A) Facebook
     B) Twitter
     C) YouTube
     D) Pinterest
     E) Instagram
     F) Mobile Apps
     G) Email
     H) Live Help
     I) Text Alerts

3) Types of Media
    A) Yelp
    B) Email
    C) Facebook

3) Types of Media
     A) Facebook
     B) Twitter
     C) Blog
     D) email
     E) Instagram
     F) Book mark and Share
     G) YouTube
     H) Yelp

Have a great day!!!!
Enjoy the Websites
Three are large well known mega corporations, and two are mom and pop small businesses.
Thank You,
Pet Nanny Lu 



Saturday, September 14, 2013

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business?

My life attracts challenging situations and I probably could write a short book on the numerous experiences revolving around problems with businesses.

Currently, I am engaged in four different scenarios of unresolved business problems. First, during last year's holiday promotion between Time Warner and Verizon I took the bait. I thought I save some money, upgrade my services, and receive $400 in Visa reward cards. What I thought was a good idea turned into immense headache. On January 6th the problems began. I upgrade to 4G, canceled AT&T and subscribe to Time Warner. They arrived on the fifteenth and my order was incorrect. The torn out AT&T equipment, and left me without service due to errors in the order, My service was finally working by the end of the month.

However, I had two companies equipment (  AT&T and Time Warner) and their bills. I could not terminate service with either of them based on the premise I lose my phone number because of the error by either Time Warner or Verizon. I endured a very costly month. It gets worse. I spent well over 40 hours communicating by email, phone and in the store to an effort to receive my gift cards. After almost giving up a few week ago I received two cards, but not for the amount of the promised in the offer.

I also learned Verizon extended my contract for 2 more years and added an extra $10 dollars to my bill. Time Warner blames Verizon and Verizon blames Time Warner. Crazy since this was a joint offer from two companies partnering up.  I have been told I was a test subject. I spoke with mangers, wrote letters, emailed, sought intervention from Verizon who I have been loyal to since 1996. It is still unresolved as of today. I am very tired and disappointed in both companies.

I do not know if social media would help. I do know they use social media to promote their businesses.

My positive experience communicating through social media comes from the blogs and rating system of Nordstrom. I avoid poor quality, wrong sizes colors and styles. Also, the blogs from consumers offer great tips on sizing, where and how to wear an item, if the photo demonstrates the true color and many other components surrounding the item. Oh, course this is word of mouth via social media. I believe endorsement from a consumer signifies a staple and represents an essential asset to a business.  Also, Nordstrom leaves the blogs that state problems with merchandise which adds validity. I returned a pair of shoes, and the sales associate ask me why? I took out my IPAD and showed her the blog. She agreed with the blog, and says she too uses the blogs when investigating making her selections too. Very happy camper with Nordstrom's  social media and awesome store customer service. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blog two Personal or business in Social Media

Welcome fellow readers and family of fur friends,

What social media platforms gear themselves towards personal and which ones seem to work better for business?

The lines blur and constantly cross back and forth. Facebook originally started as means for friends to share. However, capitalizing on a tool to reach millions of followers corporate society reach their long tentacles into our personal lives. Pandora's box opened and now we must decide what fits where.

I do not know or can not answer this dilemma. I recently clicked the like symbol on Facebook for Buffalo Wild Wings. I am looking forward to their grand opening in Encinitas. However, I now receive a blast from them daily on my Facebook. I am reminded of how yummy and delicious the wings taste. But I do not constantly want ads in my personal space. How do I obtain balance in this changing social media world? I hope this class and my fellow friends guide me in this dilemma. 

The following: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram. Pinterest, Youtube, and Foursquare present tools to reach a large audience.

Since I am in the fur child business and seek to reach a smaller audience I am unsure what works safely for my perspective clients. Perhaps I'll find a niche to use social media with my current clients as well as perspective fur parents and their families.

Today I received an email from the Anthropologie Store located in the Forum. Of course they advertise their line of pet merchandise, however I learned they incorporate a blogger talking about how she came to drawing their stores' pet designs. I found this insightful and interesting. Also, this somehow is something I might use in my business. I am excited with the adding of a personal story about the artist and how it reaches with a lasting impression.  In addition, with this being pet month the store plans on holding a pet adoption day this month. I was deeply touched that the merchant seeks and gives back to the community.

The tools and social media present endless opportunities. I seek to find my niche!!
Woof Woof Woof Meow Meow Meow
Pet Nanny Lu

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Why I choose this template

Hi fellow friends,

Perhaps you wonder why I choose this this template? I thought about selecting the first one because it stated "simple". I probably should of choose that one because this experience is my first attempt at blogging. However, I love fur children and the picture template incorporated a photo of a dog.

Second, for practical purposes and wishing to relate my blog to my business I choose the one where a can place pictures of my fur children. I often write to my clients ( their parents) as if I were a cat or dog. I might start off the correspondence with, "Meow Meow Meow or Woof Woof Woof "Then for instance, Cory would share his days activities such as what I am eating and how  Pet Nanny played with me. Also Cory shared," I had fun having my head scratched while watching football." I would then take his picture so his parents and others could see he was happy, healthy and safe.

It appears this template would allow for photos of fur children and I would add their voice. The business of Pet Nanny or other pet related services communicates successfully with pet lovers by using nurturing, fun loving, expressive images. I desire  for you to have a lasting and positive image of your fur child and the care they receive while I visit/care for them. A picture stamps a lasting impression on my services and invites other potential parents who follow my blog to seek my expertise of a loving caring Pet Nanny. Therefore. I choose the photo template which creates an image leaving a memorable impression with my followers. Enjoy a terrific day!! Meow Woof,
Pet Nanny Lu