Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blog two Personal or business in Social Media

Welcome fellow readers and family of fur friends,

What social media platforms gear themselves towards personal and which ones seem to work better for business?

The lines blur and constantly cross back and forth. Facebook originally started as means for friends to share. However, capitalizing on a tool to reach millions of followers corporate society reach their long tentacles into our personal lives. Pandora's box opened and now we must decide what fits where.

I do not know or can not answer this dilemma. I recently clicked the like symbol on Facebook for Buffalo Wild Wings. I am looking forward to their grand opening in Encinitas. However, I now receive a blast from them daily on my Facebook. I am reminded of how yummy and delicious the wings taste. But I do not constantly want ads in my personal space. How do I obtain balance in this changing social media world? I hope this class and my fellow friends guide me in this dilemma. 

The following: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram. Pinterest, Youtube, and Foursquare present tools to reach a large audience.

Since I am in the fur child business and seek to reach a smaller audience I am unsure what works safely for my perspective clients. Perhaps I'll find a niche to use social media with my current clients as well as perspective fur parents and their families.

Today I received an email from the Anthropologie Store located in the Forum. Of course they advertise their line of pet merchandise, however I learned they incorporate a blogger talking about how she came to drawing their stores' pet designs. I found this insightful and interesting. Also, this somehow is something I might use in my business. I am excited with the adding of a personal story about the artist and how it reaches with a lasting impression.  In addition, with this being pet month the store plans on holding a pet adoption day this month. I was deeply touched that the merchant seeks and gives back to the community.

The tools and social media present endless opportunities. I seek to find my niche!!
Woof Woof Woof Meow Meow Meow
Pet Nanny Lu

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